Angel Shot: Your Discreet Guardian in Times of Need

Feeling Uneasy About Your Safety?

Don’t hesitate—PUSH THE BUTTON! The Angel Shot Flare sends a discreet safety alert that brings your Safety Buddy, a ‘third person in the room,’ who can see, hear, and communicate as needed to enhance your safety. They can also share real-time information with first responders, ensuring quick assistance while still intervening as necessary.

When you send an Angel Shot Flare

It discreetly connects you to your Safety Buddy through a pre-established private video session. Both parties can see and hear each other, ensuring a live, secure connection. The system also provides real-time updates on your location and situation. Additionally, the system can activate a police siren and other deterrents to confuse the perpetrator and ensure your safety. This comprehensive approach offers immediate support and a range of tools to handle critical situations effectively.

Angel Shot is a specialized feature within the MyFlare app
MyFlare Alert™ swiftly alerts emergency services to your precise location, integrating with your device's camera
How Angel Shot Works

During the setup of the MyFlare Alert app, you choose a Safety Buddy and provide their contact information. When you activate the Angel Shot Flare, it automatically sends discreet safety alert emergency message to your Safety Buddy. This message includes a private video link and your personal details, allowing them to assist you and alert first responders if necessary. You start this process when you PUSH THE BUTTON!

When you feel unsafe, activate Angel Shot to instantly connect with your safety buddy via a private, real-time video and audio feed. This discreet safety alert provides immediate support, ensuring you’re not alone in critical situations. The live connection allows your safety buddy to see and hear what’s happening, offering reassurance and potentially deterring threats.

The visibility and sound of the Angel Shot connection strongly deter potential threats, making them aware they’re being watched. This feature not only provides immediate support but also discourages aggressive behavior by letting the aggressor know they are being monitored in real-time. This dual function enhances both safety and prevention.

Your safety buddy can provide live guidance, intervene verbally, or offer directions to ensure your safety. This discreet safety alert system allows for real-time interaction, helping to manage the situation and offer reassurance, ensuring you feel supported and secure during critical moments.

Crucial details like your location and the situation context are shared, ensuring a swift response. This discreet safety alert system allows for precise and immediate action, giving responders the necessary information to assist you quickly and effectively.

In escalating scenarios, your buddy can quickly contact First Responders with vital information, ensuring prompt action. This discreet safety alert system provides critical details like your location and the situation’s context, enabling a swift and accurate response to ensure your safety.

When to Use Angel Shot to send a discreet safety alert

Angel Shot is your go-to for immediate assistance across various scenarios:

Uncomfortable social encounters, like a risky date
Uncomfortable social encounters, like a risky date or when feeling followed
Discover how MyFlare Alert™ can transform
Unsafe rideshare experiences
Being alone in isolated, unfamiliar, or risky areas​
Being alone in isolated, unfamiliar, or risky areas
Encounters with strangers that escalate into threatening situations​
Encounters with strangers that escalate into threatening situations
Urgent medical needs when alone​
Urgent medical needs when alone
Potential domestic danger scenarios​
Potential domestic danger scenarios
Situations of bullying, for immediate support and intervention​
Situations of bullying, for immediate support and intervention
Assistance for the elderly or individuals with disabilities in distress​
Assistance for the elderly or individuals with disabilities in distress
Guidelines for Using Angel Shot to send a discreet safety alert

To ensure Angel Shot’s effectiveness, it’s important to use it judiciously:

Not for Casual Calls

Angel Shot is a safety feature, not meant for social interactions.

Not for High-Risk Group Situations

In events like active shooter situations, opt for the regular Flare feature for a more suitable response, as Angel Shot could compromise safety by drawing attention.

Angel Shot is designed to be a comprehensive safety tool, offering real-time intervention and support when facing immediate threats. Its correct use is crucial for ensuring your safety and receiving timely assistance.
Angel Shot from MyFlare offers a proactive approach


The Angel Shot Flare,  provides a proactive approach to personal safety, bringing a virtual guardian into play during your most vulnerable moments. It ensures that, when your safety is at stake, you’re never alone.

For detailed guidance on preventing bullying and leveraging MyFlare Alert for safety, explore our resources on stopping bullying with technology.