Driver of People

"I'm Dan, I service the community by driving people around."

“I absolutely love what I do. Every day, I have the privilege of meeting new people and safely transporting them to their destinations. But there are moments when the unexpected happens – perhaps a passenger faces a sudden health issue, or we find ourselves in a precarious situation. That’s where MyFlare Alert steps in. With just a simple tap on my smartwatch, I can instantly summon the right kind of assistance we need, swiftly and without further ado. This peace of mind lets me focus on what I love most about my job: connecting with and ensuring the well-being of my passengers.”  

We invite you to discover the MyFlare Alert™ advantage firsthand. Learn more about our Active Shooter

"This system allows me to confidently meet new clients and conduct viewings, secure in the knowledge that I’m never truly alone."

Watch the above short video to see how it works in detail.