College Life

Empowering College Administration with MyFlare Alert™

MyFlare Alert™ revolutionizes campus safety, offering administrators a superior solution that merges advanced technology with ease of use. Our innovative system, including the BlueBox™, modernizes the concept of emergency response, making it more efficient and effective than traditional Blue Phones or Panic Buttons.

Why MyFlare Alert™ Stands Out

Comprehensive Safety Solution

Unlike stationary safety devices, MyFlare Alert™ provides a dynamic, mobile application that ensures all campus members have immediate access to emergency assistance, directly from their devices.


We deliver the most cost-effective safety solution available today, ensuring your campus can enhance its security without financial strain.

Active Shooter Early Warning

Our system offers a proactive approach to managing critical situations, including active shooter events, by integrating cutting-edge technology that mutates devices to avoid detection and facilitates real-time communication with first responders.

Enhancing Safety and Compliance

We invite you to discover the MyFlare Alert™ advantage firsthand. Learn more about our Active Shooter
Smarter Panic Button

Our patented technology extends beyond a simple panic button, providing wearable devices and an app that offer immediate, smart assistance in emergencies. This innovation answers the question, "Why aren't others doing this?" with a simple answer: it's our unique solution.

Research from the U.S. Secret Service’s National Threat
Personal Safety Anywhere

MyFlare Alert™ isn't limited to campus zones. It protects users wherever they may be, offering peace of mind to students and faculty alike, both on and off-campus.

Reporting incidents is streamlined and simplified
Compliance with Clery Act

Reporting incidents is streamlined and simplified, allowing for better compliance with safety regulations. MyFlare Alert™ makes it easy for students and faculty to report incidents, enhancing the campus's overall safety and responsiveness.

We invite you to discover the MyFlare Alert™ advantage firsthand. Learn more about our Active Shooter

Call to Action for College Administrators

We invite you to discover the MyFlare Alert™ advantage firsthand. Learn more about our Active Shooter Early Warning and Control System, explore how our system can be the smarter solution for your campus, and schedule your own test, at no cost, to see the difference MyFlare Alert™ can make in modernizing student safety and ensuring compliance with safety regulations.

In an era where campus safety is paramount, MyFlare Alert™ provides an indispensable tool for college administrators committed to safeguarding their communities. Don’t let your students and faculty navigate their academic journey without the enhanced protection MyFlare Alert™ offers.

Empowering College Administration with MyFlare Alert™

MyFlare Alert™ revolutionizes campus safety, offering administrators a superior solution that merges advanced technology with ease of use. Our innovative system, including the BlueBox™, modernizes the concept of emergency response, making it more efficient and effective than traditional Blue Phones or Panic Buttons.

With the press of a button:

Calls Campus Security or 911

Every three minutes, automatically and continuously sends up to 5 MyFlare Distress Messages via SMS text and up to 5 Emails to the user’s pre-selected Contacts, which include the user’s current GPS location, alerting them that the user is in trouble.
Simultaneously sends 20-second audio-video recordings, capturing the user’s present environment, which are attached to the delivered Emails (Frequency determined by the user)
Instantly blasts an police siren continuously, except when the phone is in use

Empowering Local Safety

MyFlare Alert™ aims to foster a safer environment by offering a scalable, hyper-localized safety system that activates when a user initiates a Flare. 

MyFlare Alert™ is an app that moves with you and thinks for you, connecting to the safety environment surrounding you.  

MyFlare Alert™ integrates with local panic rules and infrastructure, as well as your personal plan when outside of a protected area.

First responders are equipped with the capability to interact with the individual who activates the Flare, enabling situational awareness by transforming the user’s phone into a sensory tool for a comprehensive understanding of the situation and effective control. 

Customer Focused
Quick replies
MyFlare Alert™ aims to foster a safer environment
In Personal Mode, users can create their own individual crisis management plans

The right response by the right First Responder

In Personal Mode, users can create their own individual crisis management plans. This includes designating up to 5 safety contacts that will maintain continuous communication with live location tracking, and establishing the ‘Angel Shot’ feature for virtual accompaniment in distressing situations. By providing these tools, Personal Mode ensures users are connected to the right trusted contacts for support and assistance when needed. 

GatheredSafe Zone™ establishes safety zones for each protected area. Each participating facility or venue pre-plans its crisis action response based on these areas. It defines what will happen if a user sets off a Digital Flare, using the MyFlare Alert™ app on their phone or other devices while within the perimeter of the safety zone. These zones are known as (GatheredSafe Zone™).

Allows students and other members of the campus community to signal for help from anywhere

Follows pre-established, crisis management plans to bring the right response.

Generates real-time information to First Responders, automatically and continuously

Simultaneously establishes Situational Awareness for First Responder (including personal one) to see hear and interact safely with you to bring help to you asap

Optional control of phone features controlled by user and situation ie. mute all sounds if in an Active Shooter event