Police Chiefs

MyFlare Alert™: A Specialized Tool for Chiefs of Police in Strengthening Community Safety

We proudly introduce MyFlare Alert™, a revolutionary protection system uniquely designed for law enforcement leadership like yourself. This platform empowers you, as the Chief of Police, to take charge of safeguarding your community with advanced, customizable safety solutions.

Key Features Tailored for Police Leadership:

Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Donec Sodales Sagittis Magna. Sed Consequat, Leo Eget Bibendum Sodales, Augue Velit Cursus Nunc, Quis Gravida Magna Mi A Libero. 

Active Shooter Early Warning System™

As the Chief, you exclusively determine access rights, ensuring the system is utilized effectively by trusted organizations such as schools and places people gather.

You will have control to ensure that the bad actors do not have access to this community system.

Strategic 911 Communication

You have the authority to decide what information is shared with 911 services, enabling tailored and efficient emergency responses.

Many choose to have the Active Shooter Alarm go straight to the police bypassing 911 to expedite action.

Direct Dispatch Center Integration

Choose which incidents warrant immediate attention from your dispatch center, facilitating faster and more focused responses.

Every car outfitted with laptop can act as or with the Dispatch center to see and hear what is happening live.

Operational Efficiency & Decision-Making

Eliminating Hesitation

The instant data feed ensures individuals on the ground transition swiftly from uncertainty to their trained responses.

One Voice, Many Ears

With a direct link, the Command Center can see, hear, and share vital information, ensuring cohesive action across all units.

Minimizing False Alarm Impact

Within the first few seconds, the system can discern between genuine threats and false alarms, ensuring resources are optimally allocated and genuine threats receive rapid attention.

The instant data feed ensures individuals on the ground

MyFlare Alert™ Early Warning System, commands Precise and Swift Emergency Response

In the pivotal first second of an alert:

Precision Targeting

Whether pinpointing a specific room in a school or identifying an external area like a football field, the exact location lights up instantly.

Real-time Command View

Incident specifics are relayed immediately to authorized screens, from the dispatch center to squad cars, establishing a secure video and audio link to the scene.

Unified Communication

The Command Center’s SightDesk capability enables direct and authoritative communication with individuals on-site, guiding them with real-time insights.

Comparison to Traditional 911:

With 911
With MyFlare Alert & SightDesk
10-30 seconds
Answer Wait
5-20 seconds
Gathering Info
1-3 minutes
Officer Mobilization
3 minutes
Threat Verification
Expedited & Accurate


The integrated power of MyFlare Alert and SightDesk positions the Command Center as the heartbeat of modern emergency response. As Chief of Police, embracing this system will mean navigating crises with unprecedented accuracy and speed, marking a transformative shift in the way your force responds.

In recognition of the sensitive nature of these strategies, access to detailed information about MyFlare Alert is limited to registered law enforcement officials. This measure is crucial in preventing misuse by unauthorized individuals.

Elevate Your Community’s Safety Measures Your registration as Chief of Police unlocks comprehensive access to MyFlare Alert™, revealing advanced functionalities and strategic insights.

The landscape of emergency response is evolving, and with the integration of MyFlare Alert EWS™ and SightDesk, we’re at the forefront of that evolution. This system promises unparalleled precision and speed, ensuring that your officers and command center are always a step ahead. 

Drill Results: Our latest drills underscore the efficiency, showing officers engaging a target faster than it takes traditional 911 processes to relay initial information.

Key Features Tailored for Police Leadership:

Operational Efficiency & Decision-Making:

MyFlare Alert™ Early Warning System, commands Precise and Swift Emergency Response

In the pivotal first second of an alert:

Comparison to Traditional 911:


The integrated power of MyFlare Alert™ and SightDesk positions the Command Center as the heartbeat of modern emergency response. As Chief of Police, embracing this system will mean navigating crises with unprecedented accuracy and speed, marking a transformative shift in the way your force responds. 

In recognition of the sensitive nature of these strategies, access to detailed information about MyFlare Alert is limited to registered law enforcement officials. This measure is crucial in preventing misuse by unauthorized individuals.

Elevate Your Community’s Safety Measures Your registration as Chief of Police unlocks comprehensive access to MyFlare Alert™, revealing advanced functionalities and strategic insights.

The landscape of emergency response is evolving, and with the integration of MyFlare Alert EWS™ and SightDesk, we’re at the forefront of that evolution. This system promises unparalleled precision and speed, ensuring that your officers and command center are always a step ahead. 

Drill Results: Our latest drills underscore the efficiency, showing officers engaging a target faster than it takes traditional 911 processes to relay initial information.