
MyFlare Alert™ helps you create your personal Crisis Plan so you don’t have to think when you need help.


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Plan, Prepare, Execute with MyFlare Alert™

Built on expert advice for optimal results in challenging situations.

3 steps to safety preparedness


Pre-plan for Instant Action: MyFlare Alert guides you step by step to swiftly create a Crisis Management Plan. Once set up, a simple button press activates immediate help, eliminating delays in critical moments


MyFlare Alert ensures your safety team is well-informed: It automatically notifies them of your Crisis Management Plan's details and alerting mechanisms, so they know exactly what to expect and how to respond if you need assistance

Test and Verify

Team-Ready Reliability Testing: MyFlare Alert™ system enables you and your entire safety team to verify its functionality, ensuring dependable operation in critical moments

Create your family crisis plan in less than 15 minutes tonight over dinner.

Finalize your plan by testing until it meets your standards. Then, focus on essentials like water and food. For a detailed prep list, click here for the Hollywood, Florida Emergency Management guide

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Don’t miss out! Explore the latest events and
happenings. From expert talks to exciting workshops, find it all here and mark your calendars!

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