
Experience the Ultimate in College Safety with MyFlare Alert™: Your Smart, Personalized Protection Plan On and Off Campus

Faster then you can send an email, a text, or place a call, MyFlare Alert™ does all of these to the right responder in a fraction of a second.

Embark on your college journey with confidence! MyFlare Alert™ is here to amplify your academic and social adventures, ensuring your safety every step of the way. No more holding back from classes, events, clubs, or community activities due to safety worries. Our innovative, scalable, hyper-localized safety system springs into action the moment you initiate a Flare. With MyFlare Alert™, enjoy the full college experience, free from anxiety and full of opportunity!

Safety Optimized

Instant safety at school or IN town with one press

Quick alert to your team or discreetly signal a buddy for help.

For others

Keep everyone informed when you need help with a push of the button. MyFlare Alert knows what to do to bring the right help to you based on pre- configured plans.

Places you freqent

If you don't see the GatheredSafe Logo on your phone when you enter the establishment, tell them about it and send the link to the site so they can join and make it a safer place for everyone.

MyFlare Alert™ GatheredSafe Zone™ can safeguard the entire community

MyFlare Alert™ is versatile and trusted in every situation. From outdoor events, to concerts, sporting events and campus life, sending a flare will alert first responders instantly and save lives.

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